Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paul was shocked. Explaining the Manchesters

 Melinda answers an email from a friend and associate, who has visited the Arthur C. Pillsbury site, April 25, 2012.  Paul is a retired minister living in Japan. The site had been taken down without notice by Yola due to the false claims of the Manchesters in December.  The site had an enormous number of links from historical and photographic sites and was a resource for many. 

Hi Paul,

I'm so glad to hear from you! I know, the site was destroyed. It was an absolute crime. I lost so masses of material, much of it irreplaceable without major effort. It boggles the mind. I had it hosted on Yola. They took the site down because of a complaint from a former client who I had locked out of their site for non-payment. They did not even bother to contact me, just believed these two nutcases.

I've reported the Duke and Duchess of Manchester to the FBI and to the local police for enough criminal acts to constitute their own crime wave.

It started last August 25th. I had been asked to put up a site and write a book for the Duke.  What I did not know was that he is a psychopath and his duchess is about the same.  They never pay for anything. Instead, they do what specialists in psychopathy call, 'a turn around.' After getting what they want, during which time the victim is their best friend, they attack and vilify the person who has been helping them. Most people are so shocked they just go away.

They were introduced to me by an old friend, who was also helping them. They did the same to her.

Their hard luck story was incredible, heart-rending. Unfortunately, what a psychopath sees as a travesty of justice is the simple truth. Psychopaths think they can rewrite reality to suit themselves. The Duke is a serial criminal, a bigamist, and you name it.

They had no money and told us they had been subjected to an intentional campaign of false media by those in control of the Manchester trusts, which was why they could not pay immediately. 

I put up a site for them overnight and started building it out.  I also put together a PR campaign to rebuild his reputation, focusing on positives.

The plan included some ways they could generate income from what they had in their hands, which they described as a collection of Bibles of enormous historic value. His story was so touching. He was clinging to the Bibles as one of the last remnants of his family heritage, stolen, they said, by the Trusts.

In this number of Bibles was, Manchester said, the first English Bible printed by Henry the 8th , signed by Henry and given to Katherine Parr, his last wife, the one who survived. It is impossible to set a price on this kind of artifact. Artifacts of this kind need to be kept in atmosphere controlled vaults and handled with non0acid gloves. Here is how they are stored, from what I was later told.

When I set up the site I included a link to information about this collection. I put them in touch with an academic who could contact appropriate institutions, colleges, museums, other institutions, who would pay to have the collection on display. Then they started backpedaling on that. I did not understand why at the time.

Manchester claimed to have been in the military and described symptoms which sounded like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Well, I have been studying the problem and found a therapy which works, neurofeedback. I've interviewed representatives from Zengar, a company which designed an effective unit for treatment which is low cost, used by professionals. I introduced the Duke to them and he arranged to borrow a unit. The idea was for him to try it himself and then set up a program to help vets.

Vets desperately need help and this way Manchester could get credit for making help available. The cause is near and dear to my heart.

Manchester received the unit and started using it. I waited to see results, which can take several sessions. This was also worked into the site design as I produced the material.

The Manchester Trustees, I was later told, do not believe Manchester was ever in the military. They do not believe anything else Manchester says without solid documentation, having been forced to read letters such as this, which are very revealing of how Manchester views life. 

I have a meeting with my attorney next week. Yola already knows what they can expect, as I provided the evidence and a time line.

I had 44 other sites, all of which Yola took down on the say-so of the Manchesters.

I am so glad you are both well and back home. How is the clean up work coming in Fukushima? Have you found any more insights on the Vernal Falls project? I'm doing a redesign for the new site which will include what you are doing, by the way. All photographers from the beginning to 1930 will be included in the revised time line and build out. Angie has found some amazing material.



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