Thursday, July 11, 2013

Anne Responds to Alex's Lies


Last night I received the email below from Anne, referred to in Manchester's previous letter to Wendy, forwarded to me, and commented on here on this site, which is designed to provide cautionary information to people who, uninformed of the facts, come into contact with Alexander, 13th Duke of Manchester.

I called Anne and we caught up on what is going on with our lives. Queried on how she saw the Commentary, posted on this site, she said she has an ongoing google search which lets her know when her name is posted.

We chatted briefly and she enlarged on information she has heard on Craig. This included the rumor he is now living with his sister, who is also, 'not doing well.' Anne did not know how accurate this might be. I am pleased to report she has, as stated, someone special in her life and is moving on with a successful business. While we were talking her boyfriend, an attorney, arrived and we said our goodbys.

Craig destroyed at least one previous business venture she was starting by asking her to marry him and promising to buy a house for her and her children. He contacted a real estate agent and, with her and her children, looked at homes, promising to buy the one they fell in love with.

He then reneged on all his promises, stopped financing her business, and raped her while she was getting ready to go to her father's funeral. She and her children were left homeless. This happened, I believe, in 2003.

Anne, and her children, were all traumatized by this betrayal.

Craig is a sexual predator whose focus is on young girls. His preferred scenario includes betraying the trust of his victim. Manchester is far less focused. He is looking for victims he can con. Cons include loans, which are never repaid, either personal or business, (Example, Speedy Car Loans, which is now in collections and caused a criminal complaint, now working its way through the court system in Las Vegas, Case No. 11F21867X. )

The Disordered, such as Craig and Manchester, depend on manipulation to control their victims. To persuade, they simulate emotions, but their own, internal world is void of any empathy or conscience.

Lying comes as naturally to them as breathing and they feel no guilt. Promises are bait, made to obtain what the psychopath wants or position the victim for later use. The predator feels nothing for its prey. To the disordered, we are prey.

The Commentary on Alex's email to Wendy, published yesterday, provides insights into how easily a psychopath lies, the extent these lies can take, and why this presents dangers to the public.

Alex is angry because his lies are not working.  A mother who lived near him evidently found this site online and this caused her to reevaluate her view of him.  By so doing, she was better able to protect herself and her children.  

Alex wrote, “ we met with Ann Fisher and several other people who were a part of the the computer  he created...”

Anne Fisher, the woman referred to, responds, “ i've never met laura or alex and haven't seen craig in eons.”

Alex wrote, “I think that Ann and and he might be getting engaged in September.”

Anne responds, “i'm with a special someone, all true.  but no engagement of any type has occurred and last i knew, craig was single and dating a young lady in virginia.  ?:??  have no idea.”

E-Mail from Anne

Subject:  untrue

none of this is true. i've never met laura or alex and haven't seen craig in eons.  have no idea what is going on.  wishing you all the best.  i'm with a special someone, all true.  but no engagement of any type has occurred and last i knew, craig was single and dating a young lady in virginia.  ?:??  have no idea.”

...we met with Ann Fisher and several other people who were a part of the the computer  he created  Melinda's ex cerate (I do not have the faintest idea what Alex means here. Please send opinions, if you have some idea.)

...they were really great people I think that Ann and and he might be getting engaged in September.

Manchester firmly believes anyone who pays for something he wants is a great person. Here Alex admits Green Hills was immediately involved in the conspiracy against me. Thanks, Alex!

Ann Fisher is a nice person, hard working and far too good for Craig. I have had numerous conversations with her. But I strongly doubt she would marry Craig because when last we talked she was very happy to be shut of him. If she does marry him, I will add her to my prayer list.


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