Laura Montagu, her husband, Alex, and
their collection of co-conspirators are all inclined to psychological
projection. They are all used to achieving their goals using ugly
behavior and intimidation.
DEFINITION: Psychological Projection
projection or projection
bias is a psychological defense
mechanism where a person subconsciously denies
his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then
ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus,
projection involves imagining or projecting
the belief that others originate those feelings.[1]
Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.
An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.
The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud - in his letters to Wilhelm Fliess, '"Draft H" deals with projection as a mechanism of defence'[2] - and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud; for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as Freudian Projection.[3]
Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.
An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.
The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud - in his letters to Wilhelm Fliess, '"Draft H" deals with projection as a mechanism of defence'[2] - and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud; for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as Freudian Projection.[3]
The new Manchester site,, partially
plagiarized without attribution, and partially written by Laura
Montagu, is larded with examples of psychological projection. These
also include attempts to recharacterize objective reporting of facts
as 'stalking.'
The facts need no excuse and make no
apology. The truth may be ugly but in the tradition of the First
Amendment it need not be defended because the truth is its own
The Facts
On November 19, 2011, I wrote a
declaration for the FBI on the stalking, threats and harassment then
being carried out by Alex and Laura Montagu. Others were also
involved but this was not yet clear to me.
I was then driving from California to
Ohio at the request of Rayelan, the owner and operation of Rumor Mill
News. Her health was bad and she needed help. My disabled son,
Arthur, was with me along with his cat, Meow-Meow.
Because I am nearly blind and only able
to drive during daylight hours the trip took three weeks.
I will use the declaration to show what
was happening at the time and then add to it.
November 19, 2011
I, Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, declare
the following to be a true and accurate account of events and not
intended to deceive.
I am a journalist who is published
and writes for the Lone Star Iconoclast in Crawford, Texas and who
also does other free-lance work and other writing projects, working
entirely from my home as I am full time caretaker for my son, Arthur,
who is completely disabled. I am, myself, legally disabled.
On or around August 25, 2011, I was
introduced to Laura, the wife of Alex Montagu, styled the Duke of
Manchester, by Raye Smith (DBA Rayelan Allan), for the purpose of
writing a book. I had no knowledge of either husband or wife prior to
that time. I have known Ms. Smith for a number of years. Ms. Smith
told me at the outset the Duke was short of money but could be
trusted to ensure I was compensated for my work when the funds became
available. I agreed to work on that expectation. This was affirmed by
the Duke, who expressed his gratitude.
I was asked to introduce
the Duke to Ilene Proctor, I did so. I
have worked with Ms. Proctor over the years writing reviews for books
and on other projects. The Duke was hoping Ms. Proctor could find a
publisher for the book he wanted me to write on his life. I was asked
to write the book and began doing interviews of the Duke and Laura
and others, suggested by them.
The Duke asked me to take
notes whenever we talked, even if I was not formally interviewing
him. I generally did so, but the conversations became highly
repetitive. I also spent even more time on the phone with his wife,
Laura. The conversations were generally about her cats, the
Manchester estates and funds which they could not access, and the
jewelry, which was not available to them, or on her personal life and
prior love interests. Laura began drinking about the time the Duke
went to bed and from that point on became increasingly loquacious and
incoherent on a regular basis.
Neither of the Montagus
expressed interest in anything but their own personal affairs. Since
the relationship was professional I accepted this as a matter of
course. Taking notes and researching the background of the title and
family continued to be my focus as I put up a website for them. This
was to be used to refute charges of bigamy leveled against the Duke
and to allow him to carry out his stated goal, to do good in the
world with the money he would have when the Manchester Trusts were
broken and the funds therein were in his possession.
Articles about the
scandals attributed to the Duke have come thick and fast over the
last months. These articles have reiterated the charges of bigamy,
stated as fact he was jailed for fraud in Australia, stealing cars
and reselling them, and additional newer stories which, if true, are
shocking revelations about his children and family life. These are
the three most recent articles, containing these charges.
Court rules O.C. family
is blood nobility, Aussie-born Duke denies bigamy in
UK, Aussie-born Duke denies bigamy in UK.” ARTICLES
– these make fascinating reading.
“At the time I believed the Duke
was an honest man who had been badly treated by nearly everyone in
his life. Now, the jury is out. The lies which are contained in his
recent emails document a willingness to spin and restructure
documentable facts.
I began outlining first a book,
which I was asked to change to a series of articles. The project on
which I was asked to spend my time was then shifted to the sale of
video tapes which Manchester had made of Michael Jackson some years
before. I have never, to date, seen these tapes and have never had
them in my possession.
Over a two month period I wrote copy
to produce a sale, which was to be carried out by Ilene Proctor.
Working without seeing the material presented significant
difficulties, as I was forced to interview the Duke on the content
and he is not an able communicator, necessitating repeated and
detailed questioning on my part to elicit the required information.
It is probable the psychotropic drugs he takes daily, or sometimes
the lack of such drugs, was, in part, responsible for this inability
to convey information but his admitted dyslexia could also be, in
part, responsible. Getting technical details, for instance the length
of segments of video, place taken, type of film, and dates proved to
be nearly impossible.
Over this period the Duke expressed
lavish thanks for the work done and began telling both myself and
Raye he considered us to be members of his family. He was verbally
effusive and his promises for compensation increased along with such
demands as having us live either with him or close enough so he could
'watch over us.' This was rather creepy.
I had persuaded a disbarred
attorney, Charles Lincoln, who, none the less, has an earned degree
from the University of Chicago. School of Law and a Ph. D. in
Anthropology from Harvard, to produce contracts and do research on
intellectual property rights sales, promising, after checking with
the Duke, he would be paid for work done. The contracts were
essential to the sales but the Duke could not afford any outlay of
funds for any purpose, telling us he was applying for a job, first at
ATT and then at Target or Walmart. When the contract for services for
the sale of the Michael Jackson tape were produced he asked us to
trust him to ensure we would be paid.
In early October the Duke became
agitated and angry with Ilene Proctor and fired her after she began
to insist a contract be signed for her, specifically.
In mid-October the Duke again became
agitated when his wife, Laura, told him the Michael Jackson tape was
lost. He accused her of stealing it and told us he was going to call
the police. Laura had left the apartment but was calling both myself
and Ray, making accusations of having been abused. Neither of us had
heard any sign of this taking place but suggested various places she
could go and attempted to find a place where she could stay with
friends of ours.
However, it was obvious that if the
tapes were missing the only person who could have taken them was
When the police arrived, I was told
by both Raye and the Duke, Raye was on the phone to the Duke. The
Duke, who had admitted the police, asked she talk to an officer.
While she was on the phone with them there was a knock at the door
and the Michael Jackson tape was leaning against the door, according
to the Duke, and by what Raye was told by the police then present.
Over the next several days the Duke,
again asking me to take notes, told me, providing references, that
Laura was a former prostitute who still worked regularly in Las
Vegas. He provided details which included the individuals who had
broken this news to him. As the Duke went through Laura's
possessions, left in the apartment, he reported to me finding papers
she had told him he had lost and women's clothing he had never seen,
tags still on, which he said had been stolen. He told me Laura was
addicted to shop lifting, used multiple social security numbers and
alternate identities. These statements were also made separately to
Raye. He told me he would send references, which were not
forthcoming, but his statements were credible to me because of
remarks made by Laura directly to me previously regarding the
irrelevancy of shoplifting laws along with her obvious her sense of
entitlement and odd stories told regarding her career in Los Angeles.
The sale of the tape was progressing
through these events but had stalled through objections made by Laura
prior to the disappearance of the tape. Raye then mentioned to me
having found a buyer, a major Hollywood producer. That sale also
failed because Laura objected to the buyer for reasons which were
completely irrational.
The presentation package was
complete except for inclusion of stills. Clips also remained to be
made. A request document, to be faxed by possible major media buyers,
was ready to go out. This protective document had been produced by
Lincoln. Raye paid for all the costs and also for the divorce the
Duke insisted on filing against his wife as the Duke continuously
claimed he had no money.”
Raye started a FedEx account so the
Duke could send the tapes to her to be processed and the clips and
stills produced. All documentation of transport and the source of
these funds is in Raye's possession along with emails authorizing the
processing to go forward.
When the tapes were received,
several days late, because the Duke failed to send them for next day
delivery, Raye spent 59 hours and $200 for the purchase of programs
to produce the needed clips and stills.
The Duke had no idea of the format
in which his own tapes had been made.
During this time Raye paid for the
Duke's prescription of psychotropic drugs, again at his request. He
told us his psychiatrist was unwilling to work with him unless and
until he divorced Laura. He also requested we talk to his
psychiatrist, which we attempted to do. Alex told us he had sent a
fax giving permission. The receptionist told us it had not been
received. The contradictions in his statements, plus evidence of
continued irrationality toward the end of this period gave both of us
Up to this point my relations with
the Duke were friendly and we talked on the phone, mostly regarding
the tapes and what needed to be done, several times a day. He had
purchased a used car and decided he would come to meet me as my
residence is located in the national forest in California because he
wanted to 'get away.' I was reluctant, but agreed to the visit,
persuaded by Raye. The Duke wanted me to put up a commercial site for
him to produce income from the sale of military supplies, which was
what I was to be working on while he was vacationing at my home. He
also asked me to set up an email for the url I purchased for him at
his request. He told me what his specific dietary needs were and I
assured him acceptable food would be available. There was nothing
social about the planned visit.
The Duke had told both myself and
Raye he had only one for two feet of intestine, and so required soft
food which was fairly bland.
Our last conversation took place
around October 23rd when he called to tell me he was delayed due to
car problems but would be there the next day. He never arrived. Raye
then contacted me to say she had received an email from the Duke and
he was pulling back on the sale of the tapes.
I then received an email from Laura
which resulted in an exchange of emails between us where, as I now
felt free to express myself, she obviously resented. Copies of the
emails are available and can be obtained by request. These will soon
be up on a website.
Neither Raye or myself have ever
talked to the Duke again. Of myself and Raye, I was the last to speak
to him over the phone. Our intention, when initially discovering he
was going forward with the project without paying us, was to file in
small claims court for the maximum, which was over the number of
hours spent on his project but under what we are owed.
I made one or two attempts to
contact the Duke. His numbers were changed.
Calculating the hours spent putting
up the website and material for the tape sale I was owed $12,540 for
work done. Raye is owed $15,200 on the same Michael Jackson tape
project. Additionally, she intended to file for the loans made to the
Montagus in a separate motion. I did not charge for the interviews as
I will be using them for articles now planned. We deemed this to be
the appropriate avenue to obtain compensation for work requested and
then not paid.
Both Raye and myself had spent
hundreds of hours on the phone with the two of them and deferred
other projects, suffering losses at their request and with their
Soon, I was receiving hostile and
angry emails purportedly from the Duke, and forwarded emails from
Charles Lincoln, who forwarded without comment emails from the Duke,
filled with slanders and lies about me. These included my having
published slanders about the Duke and or Laura. A Google search shows
I published nothing about either of them. I never had any materials
except interviews, which were for publication and for which the Duke
refused to sign any agreement, releasing me from any limitation for
their use.”
“Raye returned the original tape,
at her own expense, to Alan Kidd, who the Duke trusted. She felt this
step was necessary because she did not want to be accused of having
not sent it and Kidd is a known and respectable individual living in
San Diego to whom, she understood, the Duke had given a power of
attorney. The Duke directly told her Kidd had custody of other tapes,
kept in a temperature controlled environment.
From these emails I learned Laura
and Alex were contacting my family and business associates, telling
slanderous stories about me. The Duke claimed I was a criminal, he
positively stated there were active warrants against me, and he had
been deputized by the FBI to arrest me on sight and use lethal force
to do so while refusing to provide details of any charges. He gave
the name of Gregory Coleman, who research showed to be the name of a
real FBI agent out of New York, as having authorized the arrest.
The packet of 'research' they had
compiled from the internet was completely about a run in I had with
an individual who called himself Karl W. B Schwarz in 2004 – 2005
who also slandered and libeled me and who became silent after I
published an article titled, “Dumb,
Unscrupulous, and Debauched,” on December 26, 2008, about
him. Schwarz attempted to harass me again by posting comments about
these previous events below an article I had written on a completely
unrelated subject.
Schwarz was researched thoroughly by
Gina di Miranda in an article titled, “Unfortunate
Son,” in 2005. The di Miranda article was completed and
published online around 05.Jun.2005.
Harassment by the Duke and Laura
continued, if anything increasing, as more people were contacted.
On Thursday, November 17th I
contacted the FBI myself asking if they deputize non-governmental
individuals for this purpose. I asked as a journalist, providing
my name and the paper for which I write. A copy of the email was sent
to my editor, W. Leon Smith of the Iconoclast in Texas. The
answer was no, they do not deputize.
My next query was to give them the
identify of the individuals involved, Alexander, Duke of Manchester
and Laura, his wife, with his contact information.
I asked Lincoln why he had not done
this himself, instead resending these charges, as forwards, to my
friends and business associates, further spreading the slanders. To
date, I have received no reasonable answer.
The Duke of Manchester has stated
that he calls Raye and claims she does not answer. However, Raye has
a Vonage number and a cell phone number. These make a record of all
calling numbers. The line makes transcripts of all calls. Neither I
or Raye has received a call from the Duke since late October.
To date, Raye is still paying for a
ducal storage unit in Michigan, which payment began at Laura's
pleadings of poverty.
Those contacted include political
figures who were subjects for articles I was writing, law enforcement
agencies, other governmental agencies, and potential business
contacts as well as friends and family. Threats include having
disability payments to my son ended. I have retained counsel for the
purpose of suing for slander, libel and other possible torts.
Signed, Sunday, November 20, 2011
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster esignature”
The Facts and Story
When I finally arrived in Ohio, after
Thanksgiving 2011, I immediately began untangling the problems Raye
was encountering there. During the previous weeks I had been
slandered, harassed, threatened, and otherwise outraged, experiencing
all of the traumas listed by Laura on her highly projective website.
- “changes in sleeping and eating patterns
- nightmares
- hypervigilance
- anxiety
- helplessness
- fear for safety
- shock and disbelief”
I hoped at this point they would simply stop and move on. This was not to be.
After it became clear Montagu had no
intention of paying, I had locked them out of the site I had built.
They had written not one line of the text but promised to pay, always
expressing their lavish gratitude for my patience.
I soon became aware they had persuaded
Yola to turn the site over to them. Yola had not contacted me. The
site was separate from the 45 other sites I had hosted on Yola.
Since I was traveling, on my way to Montana to write an article, and
then on to Ohio, Raye and I agreed we might eventually sue them in
small claims court. We put the matter on the back burner. It was,
afterall, really a business matter gone wrong and nothing more at
that time. This was our attitude before the personal assaults began.
Yola sites are free to the user. But
the content must be added. It was for the content which the
Manchesters had not paid.
On October 26, 2011 I had routinely
renewed my Silver Bundle for premium services from Yola, Inc. Payment
was made through PayPal, using my credit card, which was billed
$49.95 USD.
I had had an account with Yola, Inc.
several years before it had changed its name from synthasite. At the
time I started my account there was no limitation on the number of
sites you could start using your free membership. In this way I
accumulated 45 sites, most of them active, by the time a limit of 25
sites had been set several years previously. None of the sites
contained sexual content or any other materials which failed to
follow the guidelines for ethical journalism set by the Society for
Professional Journalists.
The most developed site,, was constructed for educational purposes
and to sell prints of photographs by my grandfather, Arthur C.
Pillsbury. After many months of work I was preparing a showing which
was to include a video and historical treatment of the technical
transition of photography. Arthur Pillsbury's work in lantern slides
advanced this area of technology significantly. They are still
admired for their beauty. We planned to sell prints of these images.
On December 13, 2011, now temporarily
located in Ohio, I received a refund for my previous payment for
Silver Bundle services from Yola, Inc. This was the first
communication I ever received from Yola. I was puzzled and
immediately contacted Yola support.
I immediately found a phone number for
Yola and called their support,writing a letter the same day. (see
I was waiting to hear through support, assuming all of you were busy. This morning my silver package was refunded so I started looking for the phone number mentioned above.
The site in question,, has been up for a number of years. No changes or additions have been made for some time prior to you having removed it from the web. If you look at the documentation provided you will see legal papers, emails, and affidavits which affirm, in accordance with journalistic practices, every statement made. Some is in first person as I am reporting events from my own life.
My writing on the subject of psychopathy is published elsewhere.
Please tell me why you took the site down and refunded my Silver Package, which I would like reinstated and for which I am very willing to pay. I have been very satisfied with Yola and would like to continue having a relationship with you.
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster”
The support team member told me I would hear from their Abuse Department within three days. In less than three days all 45 sites had been removed from the Internet.
Laura's new site, mostly plagiarized from other, uncited sources, until you get to the bottom when the spelling and grammar are obviously Laura's, is a pathetic whine from a group of highly abusive individuals who are not succeeding in their attempts to intimidate and silence me, after victimizing me in every imaginable way.
On line, I began to find libelous charges posted by the Manchesters. These included the charge I had a sexual relationship with my disabled son, and charges I was fleeing warrants in five states.
I also found this posted as 'proof' of wrongdoing on my part. I have no idea who Fern Anderson is. The only accounts I had on Yola were in a single account. However, the truth and the Manchesters are not even nodding acquaintances. They make up what ever works to achieve their goal.
In the salutation in the email above one name is whited out. The name has to be short.
Why would Yola, Inc. have consented to do a search of sites on behalf of Laura, Alex, and another person? One name which would fit there is 'Craig.'
Craig Franklin, my former husband, is a sexual predator who lied to me, battered and abused me while we were married. DECLARATION, Ayn Pillsbury All of the children witnessed these abuses.
I knew, having received word of his involvement, Craig had been contacted by Laura, providing her with the names and contact information for numbers of my friends and children.
Craig is an ugly character.
His first sexual arousal took place with his sister when she was 12 years of age. He was some years older. This was reported both to myself and to Anne Fisher, a woman he dated for some years after our divorce.
Fisher first contacted me in 2003 and again emailed me in 2009 with the news Craig's son, Jonathan Scott Franklin had been arrested. At that time Anne and I began talking frequently, these conversations continuing for over a year during which time she sent me copies of emails and photos along with other evidence.
Craig reported to Fisher one of his first memories was being beaten by his mother with a Bible late one night. Mrs. Franklin was dressed in a revealing nightgown and immediately afterward had sex with his father with their bedroom door open. Both Fisher and I had each been told the same stories many years separated in time.
After the divorce I discovered Craig's sexual fantasies focused on the rape of young girls with whom he had a close, familiar relationship. This realization began with this magazine, which focused on incest. It was found by a private investigator I hired to ascertain his address for purpose of service of process. He saw Craig deposit the bag of trash at his condo, waited until Craig lumbered off, and grabbed it. The bag was first opened on my dining room table.
Along with it was a receipt from an adult bookstore on State Street in Santa Barbara. His name is very visibly on the receipt which was tucked into the book, found in the bag.
Craig's son from his first marriage, Jonathan Scott Franklin, was found guilty on May 27, 2010. An article appearing in the Appeal Democrat was quoted as saying about the conviction, “ Jonathan Scott Franklin was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years to life for hiring a "hit man" to kill his estranged wife in Marysville and her boyfriend — a sentence that came after the woman said that unless he was locked up, Franklin would try to find her.
Kathleen Franklin, 35, said on a videotape played in Yuba County Superior Court that she suffered a decade of verbal abuse from Franklin before his arrest last July as he drove away from a meeting with an undercover officer posing as a hit man.
Kathleen Franklin said that after she filed for divorce, Jonathan Franklin quoted e-mails she had written. She said she learned he'd installed spyware to steal her passwords and made video recordings of her through the webcam on her computer.
"I was just terrified to be around him," she said, recalling how one evening two Marysville police officers spoke with her and said, "We don't know how to tell you this, but your husband has hired a hit man to kill you."
reaction to the arrest of his son was to immediately attempt to gain
unsupervised visitation to his grand-daughter, then eight years of
age. The child's mother told me during a phone conversation Franklin
ignored his grandson, who was two years older, focusing his attention
on the young girl. The court denied Franklin visitation because,
according to the mother, his behavior toward the girl was
realized then why Craig had asked me to marry him. I had three
daughters, all beautiful and all of the age which he found most
sexually arousing.
insisted on adopting all of my children, ensuring my former husband,
Ron Foster, would be out of the picture. He insisted Ron cede his parental rights and immediately named the children as his
natural heirs.
Only after the marriage had ended did I realize how ugly his
behavior had been. One of my daughters came to me and told me he had
routinely exposed himself to her when I was absent from the home.
took his attorney, Jacqueline Misho, into the family home before
informing me of his intentions and allowed her to steal his Will.
Only because this
copy was later found in my graphics books do I have a copy today.
Misho also stole my personal papers, which was both a violation of
law and ethics.
for the record, has a reputation for ugliness. She figured
prominently in the After
Divorce Tour of John Cleese, having represented his wife in that
these facts were made known to the court, they were ignored.
late January I put up a site and began fighting back with the truth.
Evidently, the Manchesters, Craig, and their co-conspirators were not
prepared for this.
copies Franklin on the ugly, slanderous, and harassing emails with
which she continues to hammer me.
Inbox | x |
Apr 29 (5 days ago)![]() |
![]() ![]()
BY the way Running for president.......
Makes YOU a public figure.
Alex and I are not a public figure???
While YOU are legally Blind and Defrauding our Government isn't going to work......
YOU are a public figure.....That does leave lots of room for discussion and YOUR history.......
Melinda WHY don't you talk about all of your X husbands?
To much info to speak of but many years of trash on you there! When you put my phone number and address on the internet many people had a lot to say!
CRAIG was not the only man you had many years with........
YOUR classmates account you did on me is being watched then we are going to post where the email comes from..........YOU
Everyone knows. The authorities are being told everything and I have everything you have said about us our family!
AND your EXTORTION! YOU did nothing but stalk us...Alex had NO idea how to stop you from calling........NO one knows how to stop you from YOUR Psycho behavior.
Phycko DO not know when to stop! That is YOU!
OH BY the way tell your new BFF WENDY she has to report her financial to the CPS Wendy refuses to tell them how much BACK pay and all her pay she has received from the trust for HER kids..........We are going to court to have her money cut off the courts will see her as a fraud. And the fact we have not seen the children since the DAY she finally got the children from the courts.
After Wendy did drug and alcohol testing ORDERED by the courts.......Many letters were sent to the judge because they found WENDY a unfit mother......That the naked photos of her also were shocking and very serious decision........Alex was in the hospitol at this time she got custody because he really had a serious surgery......He was in the hospitol for a YEAR! I stayed with him!
Yes the Duke and Duchess of Manchester would have got the children but Alex was in the hospitol at the time.
ALEX has Half custody!
Not like YOU stated that Alex lost Custody! Wendy won't let The children near Alex. Wendy sold her kids out for quick cash!
Wendy knows Alex never married Marion Mary his mother has told everyone!
His brother is retracting on his statement!
The documents are fake! I have done my research!
That is real Journalism........
I have his email YOU don't!
GO and FIX your own LIfe and family!
AT Your age you did this all to yourself!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
BY the way Running for president.......
Makes YOU a public figure.
Alex and I are not a public figure???
While YOU are legally Blind and Defrauding our Government isn't going to work......
YOU are a public figure.....That does leave lots of room for discussion and YOUR history.......
Melinda WHY don't you talk about all of your X husbands?
To much info to speak of but many years of trash on you there! When you put my phone number and address on the internet many people had a lot to say!
CRAIG was not the only man you had many years with........
YOUR classmates account you did on me is being watched then we are going to post where the email comes from..........YOU
Everyone knows. The authorities are being told everything and I have everything you have said about us our family!
AND your EXTORTION! YOU did nothing but stalk us...Alex had NO idea how to stop you from calling........NO one knows how to stop you from YOUR Psycho behavior.
Phycko DO not know when to stop! That is YOU!
OH BY the way tell your new BFF WENDY she has to report her financial to the CPS Wendy refuses to tell them how much BACK pay and all her pay she has received from the trust for HER kids..........We are going to court to have her money cut off the courts will see her as a fraud. And the fact we have not seen the children since the DAY she finally got the children from the courts.
After Wendy did drug and alcohol testing ORDERED by the courts.......Many letters were sent to the judge because they found WENDY a unfit mother......That the naked photos of her also were shocking and very serious decision........Alex was in the hospitol at this time she got custody because he really had a serious surgery......He was in the hospitol for a YEAR! I stayed with him!
Yes the Duke and Duchess of Manchester would have got the children but Alex was in the hospitol at the time.
ALEX has Half custody!
Not like YOU stated that Alex lost Custody! Wendy won't let The children near Alex. Wendy sold her kids out for quick cash!
Wendy knows Alex never married Marion Mary his mother has told everyone!
His brother is retracting on his statement!
The documents are fake! I have done my research!
That is real Journalism........
I have his email YOU don't!
GO and FIX your own LIfe and family!
AT Your age you did this all to yourself!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
You do not have my medical records, or access to those. Go ahead, keep telling lies about me using information supplied to you by sources which have no direct knowledge of these matters. Morgan never received my disability information so those were not sent. At the time I did not have copies of my medical examinations, taken before I qualified for disability. At my last eye examination I was warned I would likely not qualify for a driver's license again. Special tests were needed to even fit me with the maximum correction so I could continue to drive last year.
Regarding the divorce: As is true of all examinations done for purposes of legal action the divergence between the two sides is often vast. It was in my case - which is why the court failed to acknowledge I am disabled. Now, that has been noted by the appropriate agencies. It was not a matter of paperwork. The tests were objective.
I never said I was entirely blind and that was not the basis for the award of disability. That was based on other multiple issues. Together, these make me very much disabled. As I am Arthur's caretaker, 24/7, no one could expect me to hold a regular job.
What is your disability? Why aren't you out there working so your disabled husband does not have to look for a job at Walmart? Very thoughtless of you. In fact, you should be required to find work as you have no obvious or documented disabilities.
Both of you are public figures. Being titled makes you a public figure. You have held yourself out as such and the notorious behavior exhibited by Alex over decades makes this doubly so for him. Morgan is also a very, very public figure.
The emails you send are harassment. You have been told to cease contacting me. I suggest you stop sending emails.
You do not have my medical records, or access to those. Go ahead, keep telling lies about me using information supplied to you by sources which have no direct knowledge of these matters. Morgan never received my disability information so those were not sent. At the time I did not have copies of my medical examinations, taken before I qualified for disability. At my last eye examination I was warned I would likely not qualify for a driver's license again. Special tests were needed to even fit me with the maximum correction so I could continue to drive last year.
Regarding the divorce: As is true of all examinations done for purposes of legal action the divergence between the two sides is often vast. It was in my case - which is why the court failed to acknowledge I am disabled. Now, that has been noted by the appropriate agencies. It was not a matter of paperwork. The tests were objective.
I never said I was entirely blind and that was not the basis for the award of disability. That was based on other multiple issues. Together, these make me very much disabled. As I am Arthur's caretaker, 24/7, no one could expect me to hold a regular job.
What is your disability? Why aren't you out there working so your disabled husband does not have to look for a job at Walmart? Very thoughtless of you. In fact, you should be required to find work as you have no obvious or documented disabilities.
Both of you are public figures. Being titled makes you a public figure. You have held yourself out as such and the notorious behavior exhibited by Alex over decades makes this doubly so for him. Morgan is also a very, very public figure.
The emails you send are harassment. You have been told to cease contacting me. I suggest you stop sending emails.

Dear Melinda,
Why don't you take down the sites on us.
We will call a truce and move on to a nice summer like normal people.
Why don't you take down the sites on us.
We will call a truce and move on to a nice summer like normal people.

emails are a fabric of lies, slanders of myself, Raye, my son,
Arthur, and Wendy, Montagu's former wife and the mother of his two
a more complete, and documented story on Wendy, the marriage and
divorce, read UPDATE: Family Values Manchester Style.
Montagu contacted Craig Franklin. The Montagus and Craig and,
perhaps, others cooperated to deprive me of sites which represent
years of work on my part. They then accused me of of harassment and
cyberstalking, having threatened my life and charged me with
unnatural behavior.
May 22nd, there are eight more ugly messages from Alex
Montagu on my phone which I have not yet had time to copy to be made
available on this website. Alex makes a point of calling during my
radio show, and during Raye's show as well. This is done
intentionally to interfere with our livelihoods.
hold your breath for any documentation of the specious charged from
'the ducal couple.' It will never happen because there is none.
refuse to be destroyed silently. I will fight back and I will have
the truth known.
As long as those without conscience get what they want
through intimidation none of us are safe. I will not be intimidated
and I will have justice.